- only your vacancies

Your HR branding tool: create corporate vacancy page and attract the best candidates

Enter subdomain with your brand for the vacancy page

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Quick glance

Press play to get to know in one minute how VACANCY PAGE can help you to attract new candidates faster.

Questio pro optimus – is a slogan of our company, which means “searching for the best” in Latin. Be sure you can find the best candidate with our service.

How does it work

  • 1Create your vacancy page with the URL containing your
  • 1Create your vacancy page with the URL containing your More
  • 2Your vacancy page is to be designed according to the corporate branding requirements and the best way to refer it – directly from your web-site (from the “Career” section).
  • 2Your vacancy page is to be designed according to the corporate branding requirements More
  • 3ТNow you can manage your published vacancies without help of your IT department: the recruiter can easily create, edit, publish or withdraw the vacancy.
    And you can now announce your up-to-date available vacancies without advertisement from your competitors – as it happens in the career web-sites.
  • 3Now you can manage your published vacancies. Only your vacancies are there and none from your competitors. More
  • 4All the responses from the candidates will be available in the integrated CRM of the SELECTIIO platform ( – which allows you to access the stored data and activate automated video-interviewing tools if necessary.
  • 4All the data from the candidates are available in the CRM of the SELECTIIO platform More


The quality of response

To have your own vacancy page with your brand colors and all the info about the job – is absolutely necessary for every company. Publishing the vacancies at the job-sites can generate some traffic but every recruiter can confirm – the quality of such responses would be lower – since the candidates in the job sites are seeking for the job but not your company.

Promotion of the vacancies

Once the vacancy is published now its time to promote it: place the link to your vacancy in the social media space. You can also employy the tools of the digital marketing to promote the vacancy.

The speed of the process

You always need to be able to publish the vacancy in your vacancy page quickly and preferably without the help of third-party specialists. VACANCY.PAGE service is designed for it.

Everything is in the hands of a recruiter

Now you do not depend on IT specialists since you can completely control the hiring process – from HR-branded texts to job description.

Candidate experience

VACANCY PAGE allows candidates to browse the available vacancies with keywords or categories tags, created by the recruiter

Integration with automated assessment

Integration of the VACANCY.PAGE with SELECTIIO platform allows to employ the tools of the remote assessment methods including automated video-interview.

Optional service

Promote your vacancy

We help your vacancies to be seen by larger number of people – with the digital marketing tools and SMM.

We help your vacancies to be seen by larger number of people.

You can always independently post links to current vacancies on VACANCY.PAGE in social networks. You can also entrust the promotion of the vacancy to digital marketing professionals: our partners - leading SMM specialists will help determine the best strategy for finding the candidates you need for your company: determining the most suitable social media. network, budget, target audience, geolocation and other factors. This approach allows you to build an alternative strategy for the candidate search in relation to job sites sources.

You can entrust the promotion of the vacancy to the professionals of digital marketing.

We help you create a vacancy as a product. After all a properly presented product helps to attract the right users – the candidates.

We help you create a vacancy as a product.

Optional service

Video brief with employees

The vacancy portal VACANCY PAGE allows you to post any company information, including video interviews with the existing staff. Do not hesitate to tell your candidates the story from the employees. You can place there a vivid interviews with employees so that the candidates can understand more about the work from the stories of real people.

Create the interviews with employees so that the candidates can understand more about the work from the stories of real people

  • No more "corporate video" - only real interviews
  • Filmed by professionals or even made with your mobile phone – it still works
  • The purpose of the videos is to tell candidates about the company
  • Works better than advertisements and approved texts by PR agency


The vacancy landing page service VACANCY.PAGE is integrated with the SELECTIIO remote assessment platform ( and does not create long-term user accounts for the convenience of all parties. In the case of recording a video interview by applicants (candidates), a temporary account is created, which is stored for a limited time and will be automatically deleted afterwards.

VACANCY.PAGE service is integrated with SELECTIIO remote assessment platform

We do not create databases of candidates, do not transfer data to third parties and do not use data in any other way except for the purposes of assessment at the specific request of our partners.

We do not create databases of candidates

The security conditions for storing personal data on the SELECTIIO platform comply with all the requirements of GDPR requirements (EU regulations for personal data treatment valid from May, 2018). We make every possible effort to ensure the security of storage of our users' data, preserving communication between users of our service (applicants) and our partners - potential or current employers or educational institutions. For more information, please refer to the following documents: Privacy Policy and Electronic Communication Agreement

УсThe security conditions for storing personal data on the SELECTIIO platform comply with all the requirements of GDPR requirements

Our team combines the experience of recruiters and developers with extensive industry experience, providing the best support for the recruitment, digital assessment of applicants (candidates, staff, students).

Our team combines the experience of recruiters and developers with extensive industry experience